Remembering Hiroshima, Imagining Peace
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
NIRS is a national information and networking center for citizens and environmentalists concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation and sustainable energy issues. It initiates large-scale organizing and public education campaigns on specific issues, such as preventing construction of new reactors, radioactive waste transportation, and deregulation of radioactive materials.
PA is the nation’s largest grassroots peace network with chapters and affiliates in states across the country, it organizes a network to place pressure on Congress and the administration through write-in campaigns, internet actions, grassroots lobbying and direct action.
Unfold Zero’s mission is the prohibition and complete elimination of nuclear weapons under strict and effective international control. The organization is a platform for United Nations’ focused initiatives and actions.
Among its many issues, they work with civil society organizations domestically and internationally to promote complete nuclear abolition.
This diverse network of activists and organizations believe that by democratizing U.S. foreign policy and providing progressive alternatives, we can achieve more peaceful, just, and common sense policies, including nuclear disarmament.
Women’s Action for New Directions
WAND works to shift the focus of the defense budget away from increasing military spending and toward peaceful resolution of difficult issues. They collaborate with grassroots organizations, members of Congress, and security experts to work toward policies that reduce the role and number of nuclear weapons in the world.
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
WILPF works to bring together women of different political views and philosophical and religious backgrounds determined to study and make known the causes of war and
work for a permanent peace and to unite women worldwide who oppose oppression and exploitation.
World Beyond War organizes to remove public and private assets from weapons manufacturers, military contractors, and war profiteers.