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In 2008, a diverse group of organizations and individuals came together to create a series of events in Pittsburgh under the banner "Remembering Hiroshima, Imagining Peace." From August 6 – 9, in remembrance of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we began with kickoff action events focused on peace and a city council proclamation.  These led to a more concentrated month of activities in September that included art, film, workshops, lectures, and events for children.


Emily Laychak, a young Pittsburgh artist, inspired us to use the crane as our symbol. She told us that after learning about the project, she left her receipt in the form of an origami crane at a restaurant.  That evening a friend returned the crane to her; it had passed through several hands.  That small story inspires our efforts to communicate a message of peace and opposition to nuclear weapons throughout the Pittsburgh community in a way that is both creative and dynamic.

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