Remembering Hiroshima, Imagining Peace
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons went into full effect of International Law on January 22, 2021. Remembering Hiroshima, Imagining Peace, The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom-Pittsburgh, and Stop Banking the Bomb are marking the event by urging the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County to sign an appeal which states "[Pittsburgh] firmly believes that residents have the right to live in a world free from this (nuclear) threat. Any use of nuclear weapons, whether deliberate or accidental, would have catastrophic, far-reaching and long-lasting consequences for people and the environment. Therefore, we support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and call on our governments to sign and ratify it.”
Stop Banking the Bomb will hold an event on January 22, 2022 to protest PNC's illegal and immoral investments in weapons of mass destruction. PNC Bank has invested over 1.9 billion dollars in seven nuclear weapons manufacturers. These continued investments are a serious and imminent threat to our planet. Stop Banking the Bomb holds weekly protests at different branches to demand that PNC Bank sell off these loans, investments, and bond issuances to nuclear arms producers and make a binding commitment never to invest in weapons of mass destruction. See event details here.